Great fun for kids - Peace of mind for parents!

Holiday Clubs @ Play Works

At Play Works we provide a safe and friendly environment for children to play, make friends and enjoy the school holidays. Our fantastic, highly qualified team provide exciting games and activities and create opportunities for your child to have a wonderful time in our care.
Children can choose from a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities, chill out in our Quiet Room and read books or watch their favourite film, help look after our cute pets or even get creative in our Craft Area. Whatever they choose to do the emphasis is always on having fun!
Having Golden Hill Park across the road means we can take advantage of the play area available along with the pathways which the children enjoy a bike ride round!
We offer healthy snacks including fresh fruit throughout the day (10:30am & 4pm) and children must bring a packed lunch for lunchtimes!
Our next Holiday Clubs...
February Half Term Holiday Club - 17th to 21st February 2025
Opening times: 7:45am - 5:30pm
Fees - £35 Full Day/ £25 Half Day
Easter Holiday Club - 9th April to 17th April 2025
Opening times: 7:45am - 5:30pm
Fees - £35 Full Day/ £25 Half Day
Join us for some themed fun and games!
Whit Holiday Club - 27th May to 6th June 2025
Opening times: 7:45am - 5:30pm
Fees - £35 Full Day/ £25 Half Day
To book please email fun@playworks-manchester.co.uk

Note: All children must pay a registration fee of £18. This is a once only payment and registers them for all future bookings at Play Works.
Fees must be paid in advance to guarantee places and no later than the Thursday prior to the start of the following week (or at the time of booking for Holiday Clubs). Alternative arrangements can be negotiated, such as monthly or termly payments, although fees must be paid in advance in either case. 4 weeks written notice is required to terminate our services.
Refunds will only be given in exceptional circumstances and will not be given for sickness, occasional days off or holidays. We can occasionally arrange trips which may incur an additional charge.
A charge of £5.00 for every 15 minutes will be applied for late collections.
We accept childcare vouchers! - Please contact us to discuss further.